

한국의 악기 口音


The Study on the kuŭm, oral sound, in the musical instruments of Korea

한국의 악기 구음


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, by researching and analyzing the ku?m (口音) in the musical instruments of Korea, the kinds, the functions and the meanings of the ku?m were specified and compared to the ku?m in the instruments of Korea. And the results are followings. The korean musical instruments using ku?m are the string instruments such as k?mun'go, kayag?m, yangg?m, the wind instruments such as taeg?m, p'iri, haeg?m, saengbwang and the percussion instruments such as changgu, puk, kkwaenggwari. The k?nun'go ku?m is used the most widely and effectively in Korea and expresses various styles of playing according to the initial sound, the middle sound, the last sound, playing technic system (彈法), string system (絃法) and fingering system (指法). It has the most branched and structured ku?m in Korea. 1his means that the k?mun'go ku?m has a lot of ways to express sound. The kayag?m and yangg?m have a similar ku?m with the ku?m of k?mun'go, but it is simpler than the ku?m of k?mun'go. In other words, the ku?m of kayag?m and yangg?m has less ways to express sound than the ku?m of k?mun'go. The ku?m of taeg?m kept the whole ku?m system of the musical instrument in the days of 『K? mhapjabo』(琴合字譜, Music Score). but the whole structure of the ku?m of taeg?m isn't known because it is used partially for some special melodies and signs today. p'iri has the ku?m system according to the sound consisting of a musical piece, but the ku?m is different along with the genre of the musical piece. And so there can't be ku?m covering all sounds. It is noted that the ku?m of p'iri is the standard ku?m of wind instruments including taeg?m and haeg?m. The baeg?m doesn't have various usages of ku?m and the ku?m system of p'iri except the initial sound ku?m. Changgu ku?m, introduced in Old Music Score and used in Classical Music (正樂), has just 5 or 6 ways and the simple function. But the present ku?m has various and complex ways as the style of play changgu in Folk Music (民俗樂) and Samullori was expanded. Especially the various ways to play the changgu demand the new kinds of ku?m which distinguish the accents of sound. On the other hand, the ku?m used in puk for P'ansori was noticed due to popularization of the P'ansori. Buk ku?m is similar with the changgu ku?m but it has smaller number of kinds and the playing style is simple. The kkwaenggwari (small gong) ku?m is used in Samullori but doesn't have many kinds of it. The similar usage with Korean ku?m is shown in the ryuteki (龍笛) and p'iwa (琵琶) in Japan. But the function is simply to indicate a certain note and string and not related with the playing style. So it is different from that of Korea which distinguish the playing styles of various musical instruments and other aspects such as string system, fingering system and stress. In short, the ku?m in the musical instruments of Korea are various in its kinds and its functions according to the string instruments, the wind instruments, the percussion instruments. The ku?m is correlated with the style of each musical instrument. The korean ku?m is the unique musical notation which shows and distinguishes every factors related with the playing styles such as playing technic system, string system, fingering system of the string instruments and hit point, stress, expressions and so on of the percussion instruments.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 현악기 구음
 Ⅲ. 관악기 구음
 Ⅳ. 타악기 구음
 Ⅴ. 일본의 악기 구음
 Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 이상규 Lee, Sang-kyu. 전주교육대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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