

젓대명인 朴鍾基의 公演活動 - 日帝强占期의 資料를 중심으로


On the Musical Activities by T'aegŭm Sanjo Master Pak Chong-gi during the Japanese Colonial Period

젓대명인 박종기의 공연활동 - 일제강점기의 자료를 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to investigate the musical activities by t'aeg?n sanjo 大?散調 master Pak Chong-gi 朴鍾基(1879~1941) during the Japanese colonial period (1910~1945). This study is based upon primary source materials such as radio programs of Keijo Broadcasting Station 京城放送局, SP discs manufactured by Japanese Columbia Co. etc., and accounts of daily newspaper, i.e. Chos?n ilbo 『朝鮮日報』. This paper consists of such topics as 1) Introduction, 2) Musical Activities by Pak Chong-gi through the Radio Broadcasting, 3) Pak's Musical Activities Appeared in SP Records and Chos?n ilbo, 4) Conclusion. In view of examining the primary source materials, the author points out the followings in conclusion. Pak Chong-gi is believed to have been the founder of t'aeg?n sanjo, sanjo 散調 for large transverse flute known as t'aeg?n 大? around the early 20th century. The Pak's first broadcasting date of t'aeg?m sanjo was on the 7th of November, 1927. During the 1930s Pak Chong-gi would play not only solo t'aeg?m sanjo music, but also he took part in performances such as shinbanggok 神方曲, shinawi 신아 위, pongjakch'wi) 鳳雀吹, and he also accompany various vocal genres including namdo kayo 南道歌謠 , tan'ga 短歌, sogyo 俗謠, and shijo 時調. The Pak Chong-gi's achievement of musical activities must be re-evaluated from the standpoint of modern Korean music history on the basis of the following fact. Besides the founder of t'aeg?m sanjo, Pak Chong-gi made a contribution to the transmission and diffusion of t'aeg?m sanjo tradition by radio broadcasting and the recording of SP discs during the Japanese colonial period.


Ⅰ. 머리말: 『韓國音樂通史』에서의 취약점
 Ⅱ. 京城放送局에서의 放送活動
 Ⅲ. 다른 자료에 보이는 朴鍾基의 公演活動
 Ⅳ. 맺는말: 朴鍾基의 公演活動에 대한 새로운 理解


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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