First of all Jeonggan, hereafter, will be rewritten as sqare. Jeongganbo is a graphical notation made up of columns of small squares. Typically, there are 16 squares in a column. Divided into 3+2+3+3+2+3 squares. These six groupings of the squares are called the six taegang. The main point of the discussion is, whether one square is one beat, or not. Her interpretation is, the time-value can be interpreted through the locations of Janggo’s (or drum’s) touch points and tones of melody, one square being not one beat. On the other hand, the drum’s touch is located in 5 or 3 squares(as in Ch’ongsan Pyolkog, not in one square). Therefore the time-value can not be interpreted through such irregular durations of the drum’s touch. In the musical score of Gagok, a tone of melody is not located regulary in the unit of one Jeonggan or square, as she states, but sometimes in 3 squares, or in 5 sqares, or in 8 squares. Consequently, neither the locatios of drum touch points, nor the locations of a tone of melody can be the time-unit, instead a square is to be said to be the time-unit. 8 squqres represent a measure and 16 squares make one rhythmic cycle.
- 1금합자보 . 한국음악학자료총서 22 . 서울:국립국악원, 1989.
- 2대악후보 . 한국음악학자료총서 1 . 서울:국립국악원, 1979.
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- 4속악원보 . 한국음악학자료총서 11 . 서울:국립국악원, 1989.
- 5동동 도드리 절화 . 한국음악 12 . 서울:서울:은하출판사, 1991.
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- 7김태섭․정재국. 피리구음 정악보 . 서울:은하출판사, 1998.
- 8鳳凰吟 復原을 위한 井間譜 解釋 硏究earticle 원문 이동
- 9井間譜 解析에 있어서 『俗樂源譜』의 問題點 考察네이버 원문 이동
- 10study on the musical forms of SeJongSilRokkBo 世宗實錄樂譜 Yeomillak 與民樂 and its variationsearticle 원문 이동