


“정간보의 시가해석 재고” 독후감


Review of Moon’s Article “The Interpretation of the Time-value of Jeongganbo”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



First of all Jeonggan, hereafter, will be rewritten as sqare. Jeongganbo is a graphical notation made up of columns of small squares. Typically, there are 16 squares in a column. Divided into 3+2+3+3+2+3 squares. These six groupings of the squares are called the six taegang. The main point of the discussion is, whether one square is one beat, or not. Her interpretation is, the time-value can be interpreted through the locations of Janggo’s (or drum’s) touch points and tones of melody, one square being not one beat. On the other hand, the drum’s touch is located in 5 or 3 squares(as in Ch’ongsan Pyolkog, not in one square). Therefore the time-value can not be interpreted through such irregular durations of the drum’s touch. In the musical score of Gagok, a tone of melody is not located regulary in the unit of one Jeonggan or square, as she states, but sometimes in 3 squares, or in 5 sqares, or in 8 squares. Consequently, neither the locatios of drum touch points, nor the locations of a tone of melody can be the time-unit, instead a square is to be said to be the time-unit. 8 squqres represent a measure and 16 squares make one rhythmic cycle.


  • 李惠求 이혜구. 대한민국 예술원 회원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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