

Algorithmic Research for Image Annotation Based on Region Convolution Neural Network



Traditional image processing and pattern recognition research aimed at identifying the target image. As time goes by, on the basis of the recognition of the image, more and more research points to identify multiple targets in the image, and the corresponding block of the corresponding target is calibrated. Compared with the traditional image recognition, the problem of image annotation is a combination of multi classification and multi regression, which is more difficult and challenging. On the basis of deep convolutional neural network, this paper studies the image annotation algorithm based on region selection algorithm and support vector machine, and the algorithm is tested on the PASCAL VOC 2010 image data set. Experimental results show that compared with the current algorithm, this algorithm can be used to mark the image of multiple targets, the effect is obvious, and there is a great practical significance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Algorithm Framework of Image Annotation Based on Region Convolution Neural Network
 3. Algorithm Elaboration of Image Annotation Based on Regional Convolutional Neural Network
  3.1. The Acquisition of Image Annotation Candidate Frame
  3.2. Feature Extraction of Candidate Frame for Image Annotation
  3.3. Regression Result of Image Annotation
 4. Experiment and Result Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Yuan Yuli College of Computer Science, Neijiang Normal University


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