

Effect of Easy Transaction, Consumer Interests, and Systems Security Level Measures against Fraud Online Shopping in Lazada



This study aimed to examine the effect of the ease of the transaction, the consumer interest, and the level of system security against acts of fraud on online shopping. Ease of transaction is measured from the transaction speed, high accuracy, high volume transaction, highly correlated, and ease of access are high. Measurement of consumer interests is including motivation, perception, learning, and memory. System security level measured from the privacy, integrity, autentication, availability, and access control.Sample selection is done by using purposive sampling method. The research data were collected from students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Trisakti. The samples used were 100 accounting students from semesters 1 to 9. The analysis technique used is multiple regression in SPSS version 23. The results showed that the factors such as the ease of transactions, consumer interest, and the security level of the system is partially measured by the transaction speed, high accuracy, high volume transaction are highly correlated. Meanwhile, ease of access is high, motivation, perception, learning and memory does not have a significant effect on the action of cheating but the privacy, integrity, autentication, availability. The access control can influence the actions of fraud significantly. Influence ease of transactions, consumer interest, and the security level of positive and significant impact on fraud actions simultaneously.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Online Shopping
  2.2. Electronic Commerce
  2.3. Easy Transactions
  2.4. Consumer Interest
  2.5. Security Level System
  2.6. Fraud
  2.7. Cheating in the field of Information Technology, Communications and Multimedia
  2.8. Prevention and Detection of Fraud
  2.9. Hypothesis Development. Influence ease of transactions, consumer interest and the security level of partial against fraud measures
  2.10. Influence ease of transactions, consumer interest and the security level of the system simultaneously against fraud measures
 3. Material & Methodology
  3.1. Research Model and Design
  3.2. Population
  3.3. Sampling technique
  3.4. Research Variables and Definitions Research
  3.5. Technical Analysis
 4. Result and Discussion
  4.1. Description of Respondents and Variables
  4.2. Quality Test Data
  4.3. Classic Assumption Test
  4.4. Discussion Hypothesis. Ease of Online Shopping Transaction influence Measures Against Fraud Online Shopping
  4.5. Consumer interest influence Measures Against Fraud Online Shopping
  4.6. Effect of Online Shopping System Security Measures Against Fraud Online Shopping
  4.7. Ease Effect of the Transaction, consumer interests, and Systems Security Levels Simultaneously Measures Against Fraud Online Shopping
 5. Conclusion


  • GuiPing Wang College of Information Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China
  • Ren Li College of Information Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China
  • XiaoYi Yuan Chongqing Real Estate College, Chongqing, China


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