

Characteristics and Fate of Stormwater Runoff Pollutants in Constructed Wetlands


도시지역에 적용가능한 인공습지에서의 강우유출수 함유 오염물질의 거동과 특성

Jawara Christian Alihan, Marla Maniquiz-Redillas, Jiyeon Choi, Precious Eureka Flores, Lee-Hyung Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution continues to degrade the water quality. NPS pollutants signals high concerns against a sustainable environment. Low impact development (LID) is the leading management practice which regulates and treats stormwater runoff especially in highly impervious urban areas. Constructed wetlands are known to have efficient removal capability of NPS pollutants. Likewise, these LID facilities were intended to maintain the predeveloped hydrologic regime through series of mechanisms such as particle settling, filtration, plant uptake, and etc. In this study, the objective was to investigate the characteristics, fate and treatment performance of the two in-campus constructed wetlands (SW1 and SW2) which were installed adjacent to impervious roads and parking lots to treat stormwater runoff. A total of 42 storm events were monitored starting from July 2010 until November 2015. Manual grab sampling was utilized at the inlet and outlet units of each LID facilities. Based on the results, the wetlands were found to be effective in reducing 37% and 41% of the total runoff volume and peak flows, respectively. Aside from this, outflow EMCs were generally lower than the inflow EMCs in most events suggesting that the two wetlands improved the water quality of stormwater runoff. The average removal efficiency of pollutants in facilities were 63~79% in TSS, 38~54% in TN, 54% in TP and 32%~81% in metals. The results of this study recommend the use of constructed wetlands as efficient treatment facility for urban areas for its satisfactory performance in runoff and pollutant reduction.


도시지역은 인구가 집중되어 토지이용이 집약적이며 불투수면의 비율이 높아 강우시 비점오염에 의한 영향이 높은 지 역이다. 비점오염원은 강우시 다양한 토지이용으로부터 발생되며 수계에 직접적인 영향을 미치고 오염물질의 종류와 양에 따라 불확실성이 높은 오염원이므로 점오염원과 함께 관리가 필요하다. 이러한 비점오염원을 관리하기 위한 방안 으로 국내∙외에서는 자연적인 기작을 이용한 비점오염원 관리기법인 저영향개발기법 (Low impact development, LID)을 도입하였으며 침투도랑, 식생체류지, 인공습지 등 다양한 요소기술이 포함된다. 이중 인공습지는 수질정화 (비 점오염물질 저감)와 더불어 물을 저류하는 기능을 가진 친환경적인 시설로 잘 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 비점오염원 관 리를 위한 LID 기술의 효과를 알아보기 위하여 수행되었으며 도시지역에 조성된 두 종류의 인공습지를 운영한 결과를 분석하고 평가하고자 한다. 연구대상 인공습지는 HSSF형과 Hybrid형으로 두 시설 모두2010년에 조성되어 현재까지 운영 중에 있으며 본 논문에서는 2010년부터 2015년까지의 총 42회의 모니터링 결과를 이용하였다. 분석결과, 두 인 공습지를 통해 강우유출유출량을 평균 37~41% 범위로 저감되였으며 오염물질별 저감효율의 경우 TSS는 63~79%, TN은 38~54%, TP는 54%, 중금속은 32~81% 범위로 나타나 도시지역내 인공습지 적용시 비점오염원 저감에 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.


 1. Introduction
 2. Materials and Methods
  2.1 Physical Characteristics of Facilities
  2.2 Monitoring and Analysis of Samples
 3. Results and Discussion
  3.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Characteristics of Monitored Events
  3.2 Event Mean Concentration and Correlations
  3.3 Characteristics of Flow and Pollutant Concentrations during a Storm Event
  3.4 Pollutant Loadings Reduction
 4. Conclusion


  • Jawara Christian Alihan Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University
  • Marla Maniquiz-Redillas Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University
  • Jiyeon Choi 최지연. Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research
  • Precious Eureka Flores Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University
  • Lee-Hyung Kim 김이형. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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