

The Research on Fiscal and Financial Policy to Coordinate Support Development of Low Carbon Economy- A Case Study of Heilongjiang Province of China



Based on the commentary of literature, this paper discusses the problem of low-carbon economic development. On account of complete points of fiscal and financial policy to coordinate support low-carbon economic development, utilizing the model of coordination degree, construct and evaluate coordinate development degree index system of fiscal and financial policy in Heilongjiang Province of China. The results show that the two coordinated development still encounters a series of major challenges, it is difficult for the system evolution in the direction of coordinated development. To realize the harmonious development for promoting the development of low carbon economy possesses important practical significance. Proposed market gradually plays an important part in policy support. Simultaneously, accompanied increasing financial investment, to give full play to support and guide the direction of financial policy to low-carbon economy development, therefore, propose the idea that promote fiscal and financial policy to support low carbon economy coordinately.


 1. Background
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Domestic and Overseas Research Status
  2.2. The Research on Domestic and International Development Trend
 3. Fiscal and Financial Policy Coordinate Support Mechanisms of Developing Low-Carbon Economy
  3.1. Theoretical Foundation
  3.2. The Fiscal and Financial Policy Framework to Coordinate Support the Development of Low-Carbon Economy
 4. Empirical Research
  4.1. Index System, Model Building and Data Sources
  4.2. Related to Calculation for the Fiscal and Taxation Policy and the Coordination Development under Financial Policy
  4.3. Consequence onsequence Analysis nalysisnalysis nalysisnalysis, Forecast and Conclusion
 5. Countermeasures of Fiscal Policy and Financial Policy to Coordinate Promote Low Carbon Economy Development
  5.1. The Implementation of Fiscal Policies Need Financial Policy to Cooperate
  5.2. Financial Policy Implemented Needs the Support of the Fiscal Policies


  • Rong Hongxia School of Economics, Harbin University of Commerce, China / Harbin Finance University, China


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