


가스 스프링 Elevation 동작 마찰력 보상 연구 - 가스 씰 조임 기술 연구 및 피스톤 로드의 부피 보상 장치


A Study on the Elevation Motion Friction Compensation in Gas Spring – Technology Study of Gas Seal Lip and Volume Compensation Apparatus of Piston Rod


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, The first study attempted to reduce the frictional force the gas seal lip technology. The second study is for specification decision and volume compensation experiment as an apparatus for compensating of the volume of the cylinder is compressed as the volume of piston rod. Consequently, in the gas seal lip technology, the outer-in diameter of ∅20 x ∅8 in the test result of hollow rod is revealed more proper if the weight of 50 inch television assumed as 30 kg. and the result of total consideration in stability problem and performance of volume compensation for specification decision and volume compensation experiment is determined the final speculation of hollow rod ∅8 x ∅4 and riveting system. The spring constant(K) showed an excellent value above the target value of 0.01 to 0.015 N/mm.


 1. 서론
 2. 피스톤 속도 제어 기술
 3. 피스톤 로드의 마찰력 감소 기술
 4. 피스톤 로드에 작용하는 가스 씰 최소 조임 기술 실험
  4.1 가스 씰 조임부의 내경 및 커팅각도 설계
  4.2 가스 씰부 소재변경에 따른 마찰력 향상
 5. 실린더 부 피 보상 장치
  5.1 가스 스프링 부피보상 장치 개발
  5.2 부피보상을 위한 중공로드 사양결정 및 부피보상 실험
 6. 결론


  • 이정익 Jeong-Ick Lee. Member, Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Inha Technical College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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