

중학생 자녀를 둔 어머니의 자녀 영어교육에 관한 인식 : 경기지역 어머니의 사회경제적 배경을 중심으로


Mothers’ Perception of Their Children’s Middle School English Education : Focusing on The Socioeconomic Status of Mothers in Gyeonggi Province

김효진, 김태영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Hyo-Jin & Kim, Tae-Young. “Mothers’ Perception of Their Children’s Middle School English Education: Focusing on The Socioeconomic Status of Mothers in Gyeonggi Province.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 43.1 (2017): 211-241. The purpose of this study is to identify differences in the perception of mothers in Gyeonggi Province on English education given to their children in middle school based on the participating mothers’ socioeconomic status. In order to address the research question, we used a mixed methods approach combining a series of questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews with mothers. The findings of this study are as follows: first, mothers from high socioeconomic backgrounds were more likely to participate in activities supporting their children’s English education. Those with high monthly income were found to actively participate in English-related events at school, help their children with homework, and have more frequent conversations with them and English teachers about learning. In addition, mothers with high educational and income levels shared information on English education with other mothers. The participating mothers’ employment status did not exert a statistically significant impact on the actions they took to support English education for their children. Regardless of their socioeconomic status, mothers insisted the government provide more practical and useful learning materials, as they felt that it would make English education more successful. Practical implications are provided. (Chung-Ang University)


 I. 서론
 II. 선행연구
  2.1 어머니의 모성과 자녀교육
  2.2 어머니의 교육 수준과 직업유무
  2.3 부모의 소득
  2.4 부모의 자녀에 대한 영어교육 지원 활동
 III. 연구 방법
  3.1 연구대상
  3.2 연구 도구
  3.3. 연구 절차
  3.4. 자료 분석 방법
 IV. 연구결과
  4.1 자녀의 영어교육을 위한 어머니의 지원 활동
  4.2. 자녀의 성공적인 영어교육을 위해 바라는 점
  4.3. 어머니의 직업 유무에 따른 자녀의 영어교육 지원활동
 V. 논의
  5.1 자녀의 영어교육을 위한 어머니의 지원활동
  5.2. 자녀의 성공적인 영어교육을 위해 바라는 점
 VI. 요약 및 제언
 Works Cited


  • 김효진 Kim, Hyo-Jin. 중앙대학교
  • 김태영 Kim, Tae-Young. 중앙대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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