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Ecological Attributes by Forest Types in the Natural Forest of Mt. Odae



This study was conducted to evaluate the ecological attributes of forest types which were classified by cluster analysis in the natural forest of Mt. Odae on the basis of the vegetation data (232 sampling points) from the point-quarter sampling methods. For the classified types, the species composition was expressed by importance value to describe the stand structure and the species diversity was quantified using the Shannon’s diversity index. Recognized forest types were 1) Quercus mongolica–Pinus densiflora–Betula ermanii forest type, 2) Mixed mesophytic forest type, 3) Q. mongolica forest type, 4) B. ermanii forest type. Species diversity indices of total and overstory were highest in the Mixed mesophytic forest type (3.465 and 2.942), and lowest in the B. ermanii forest type (0.118 and 0.832). In addition to that, Q. mongolica–P. densiflora–B. ermanii forest type was calculated as 3.226 and 2.565, and Q. mongolica forest type was calculated as 2.776 and 1.218 in total and overstory, respectively. It was considered that after the P. densiflora and B. ermanii first invaded and site condition became good, Q. mongolica–P. densiflora–B. ermanii forest type was dominated by Q. mongolica. Mixed mesophytic forest type showed the most stable stand structure with various species distributed uniformly. Q. mongolica forest type would preserve the present stand status for a while, and the B. ermanii in B. ermanii forest type would be pressed by other species over time.


 Data and Methods
  Study area
  Collection of data
  Arrangement and analysis of data
  Classification of forest types
  Species composition
  Species diversity
 Discussion: Ecological Attributes of Forest types
  Q. mongolica–P. densiflora–B. ermanii forest type
  Mixed mesophytic forest type
  Q. mongolica forest type
  B. ermanii forest type


  • Yeong Hwa Choi Forest Practice Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science, Pocheon 11186, Republic of Korea
  • Ji Hong Kim Department of Forest Management, College of Forest & Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea
  • Sang Hoon Chung Forest Practice Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science, Pocheon 11186, Republic of Korea


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