

A Strategy for Optimal Operation of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid under Different Connection Failure Scenarios



This paper proposes an operation strategy to optimize the day-ahead scheduling of hybrid AC/DC microgrid (MG). The strategy schedules its resources, such as distributed generators, AC/DC battery energy storage systems to minimize the operation cost while increasing the system reliability. Moreover, an energy management system (EMS) is developed based on centralized optimization framework, which is used to optimize the MG operation in grid-connected mode. On the other hand, the EMS aims to minimize the load shedding amount in both AC and DC sides in islanded mode. In this study, the operation of hybrid MG under different connection failure scenarios is also represented. The results illustrate the effectiveness of the strategy for different operation modes of hybrid AC/DC MG.


 1. Introduction
 2. Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Model
  2.1. Configuration and Components of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid
  2.2. System Operation Algorithm
  2.3. Mathematical Model of hybrid MG
 3. Numerical Results
  3.1. Input Data
  3.2. Hybrid AC/DC MG in Normal Operation
  3.3. Hybrid AC/DC MG Operation under Different Connection Failure Scenarios
 4. Conclusion


  • Van-Hai Bui Incheon National University, Korea
  • Akhtar Hussain Incheon National University, Korea
  • Hak-Man Kim Incheon National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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