

A Kind of New Wheelchair Based on Robot and Bionics Technology


Mei Hong

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Traditional wheelchair doesn’t have the ability of climbing stairs and crossing obstacles. And it has poor ability of climbing slopes. Aiming at these problems, the author improved the traditional wheelchair with the help of robot and bionics technology. The improvement of the wheelchair simulates the movement of animals with four legs. Four mechanical legs are added to the wheelchair. When the wheelchair needs to climb stairs or cross an obstacle, the wheels retract and the four legs walk just like a four legged animal. When the wheelchair needs to climb a slope, the wheels work and the two back legs push it to increase its climbing ability to avoid sliding back. The seat keeps level while climbing stairs or a slope. The author analyzed its moving processes, designed the parameters of its mechanical legs and also analyzed its ability of climbing a slope. To some extend, the improvement of the wheelchair expands the living space of the aged and the disabled people and improves their living quality.


 1. Introduction
 2. Overall Structure of the New Wheelchair
 3. The Motion Planning of Wheelchair’s Climbing Up and Down Stairs
 4. Parameter Design of the Mechanical Legs
 5. Ability Analysis of the Wheelchair’s Climbing a Slope
 6. The Motion Planning of Wheelchair’s Crossing an Obstacle
 7. Conclusion


  • Mei Hong Shandong polytechnic, jinan,Shandong Province, china


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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