

Personnel Localization Algorithm of Prison Supervision System Based on RFID



The particularity of the prison decides the importance of its security system, and how to improve the accuracy of personnel positioning for prison monitoring system is the problem to be solved to realize intelligent prison monitoring management. RFID positioning technology with non line-of-sight transmission and large transmission range is widely applied in the personnel positioning system. RFID technology is used to design the monitoring and management system of prison in this paper. The Trilateral Ranging Method was adopted to realize personnel positioning. RSSI positioning algorithm its technology is relatively simple was adopted when calculating the trilateral distance and correcting the errors in order to improve the positioning precision. Simulation test results show that the positioning precision for the distance between a single reader and the tag is increased by 2.17% on average, up to 4.54% after the error correction. The personnel location coordinates, X direction average error is 2.96%, average error is 3.12%, Y direction, and meeting the requirements of the system design.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Structure for Monitoring System of the Prison
  2.1 The Design of Tag
  2.2 The Design of Reader
  2.3 The Position Matrix of Reader
 3. RFID System and its Localization Algorithm
  3.1. Structure and Working Principle of the System
  3.2. Localization Algorithm
 4. Algorithm Simulation and Result Analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Zhang Yuping College of Measure-Control Tech. & Communication Engineering of Harbin University of Science & Technology The Higher Educational Key Laboratory for Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations of Heilongjiang Province Harbin, China
  • Chang Ying College of Measure-Control Tech. & Communication Engineering of Harbin University of Science & Technology The Higher Educational Key Laboratory for Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations of Heilongjiang Province Harbin, China
  • Li Chen School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, China
  • Zhang Zhong College of Measure-Control Tech. & Communication Engineering of Harbin University of Science & Technology The Higher Educational Key Laboratory for Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations of Heilongjiang Province Harbin, China


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