

고대영어 매입절의 동사구어순과 명찰알고리듬


On the VP Word Order with the Labeling Algorithm in Old English Subordinate Clauses


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper explores how to derive the word order of Old English(OE) subordinate clauses via the labeling system(Chomsky, 2013), which provides a new perspective on the word order in question. AUX-V, V-AUX, AUX-V-O and AUX-O-V orders are derived in OE subordinate constructions where quantified and pronominal objects are not selected. After arguing that the headedness parameter approach cannot capture these word orders, we show that these word orders can be derived unproblematically within the labeling system(Chomsky, 2013), where given SO={AUX, V}, one of the SO moves out of the SO in order for minimal search to select the remaining head as the label. Thus AUX-V order is derived in {AUX, V} if AUX moves out of the SO whereas V-AUX order is done if V moves out of {AUX, V}. Next if an object NP is merged in the remaining VP, producing SO={VP, NP}, one of the SO moves out of the SO again in order for the label of the SO to be selected, thus deriving AUX-V-O or AUX-O-V respectively. The labeling system adopted here rules out V-O-AUX order which did not exist in OE by virtue of no feature sharing in {VP, NP} during the derivation.


 1. 서론
 2. 고대영어어순 도출의 선행연구
  2.1. 영도이론과 고대영어 매입절
  2.2. 어순연구의 대상과 고대영어 종속절 어순
  2.3. Haeberli(2002)와 Pintzuk(1999, 2005)의 분석
 3. 명찰이론과 고대영어어순
  3.1. 고대영어 구문구조
  3.2. 명찰이론
  3.3. 고대영어 매입절의 명찰알고리듬 적용
 4. 결론


  • 김대익 Daeik Kim. 영산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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