Reputation computation model facilitates vehicles to broadcast traffic information in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) in order to improve road safety and efficiency. In this paper, a probabilistic-based reputation computation model for VANETs has been evaluated. The uncertainty of reputation is transformed into a probability distribution over possible reputed states that are hidden from observation but determined by a vehicle’s expected experience in VANET are addressed in this work. HMM is utilized to evaluate the level of reputation in VANET exhibiting dynamic behaviour. The proposed mechanism is probability distribution centric, though the later mechanism is docile to predict accurate trust value of messages. The time taken by the proposed scheme is significantly less and transmission over the shared wireless channel is in the order of milliseconds. Extensive results and simulation show that efficacy of the proposed model.
1. Introduction
2. Reputation in VANET
2.1. Challenges of Reputation in VANET
2.2. Reputation Computation Models in VANET
3. HMM based Reputation Computation Model
4. Problem Formulation
5. Proposed Model
6. Simulation and Results
6.1. Simulation Setup
6.2 Results and Discussion
7. Conclusion