

특집 : 구약과 공정한 사회

잠언의 지혜 신학에 반영된 '공정한 사회의 이념'


‘Idea of Impartial Society’ Reflected in the Wisdom Theology of Proverbs


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With social attention to make Korean society more just and impartial, related academic discussions have been also heated up. Recently, two books concerning ‘justice’ have been published: John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice (2003) and Michael J. Sandel's Justice (2010). One of them, A Theory of Justice by Rawls, brings up ‘a theory of justice as impartiality.’Ancient Israelite society came to be an empire, by David and Solomon. It was consist of various regions and nations and they were in harmony. They needed social systems in which rational economic justice works so that the members of the society may coexist in peace. The aim of this study is to analyze the central part of the book of Proverbs (10: 1 - 22: 16) and see how economic justice and impartiality were sought. The studies of the book of Proverbs have had so far difficulty to find a meaning of verses that seem to be arranged randomly without any connection to each other. So, this study proposes a new method of analyzing them. Most of all, I categorize all verses in the book according to meanings. After that, I subdivide them by themes, and then make three stages of development in their progress of thoughts; (1) Early verses expressing simple phenomena, (2) Developed verses with value assessments, and (3) Developed verses with religious motivation. Early verses expressing simple phenomena bear ‘fortune earning principles’ (=more effort earns more fortune). Under this supposition, they highly appreciate human efforts. These early optimistic economic view was based on the premise that most of the readers of the Proverbs have their own agricultural property. The theologians of the wisdom literature founded their principles of unity of the empire on causationism. In this thought, every thing was managed by rationality. To enhance the rationality, external logic, i.e., assessment with value, was expressed in the verses. These external logic was reinforced by religious motivations.


이 논문은 잠언의 중심 부분(잠 10: 1 - 22: 16)을 분석하여 부의 분배의 원칙과 이 원칙 강화 양식을 다양한 방식으로 밝혀낸다. 이 과정에서 저자는 새로운 분류 방법을 통해 잠언의 분석을 시도한다. 저자는 잠언의 초기 구절들에서 ‘부의 획득의 원칙’(=노력의 대가만큼 부를 획득해야 한다)을 찾고, 다양한 가치평가와 종교적 동기를 통하여 원칙의 강화과정을 밝힌다.


1. 문제의 제기
 2. 다윗-솔로몬 시대의 역사적 배경
  1) 사울 시대
  2) 다윗 시대
  3) 다윗-솔로몬 제국의 영토
  4) 시대적 과제
 3. 잠언의 연구 방법에 대한 제안
 4. 부의 분배의 원칙
 5. 부의 분배 원칙의 강화(I)
  1) 게으른 자의 행동 특징에 대한 묘사
  2) 재물의 가치나 사회적 효능의 묘사
 6. 경제 활동의 가치 평가를 통한 부의 분배 원칙의 강화(II)
 7. 분배 원칙의 공정성 유지를 위한 수정 노력
  1) 부 획득 수단의 성찰
  2) 공정한 부 획득에 대한 가치 평가
 8. 종교적 동기를 통하여 분배 원칙의 공정성 강화
 9. 상거래 및 경제활동의 공정성
  1) 선물 혹은 뇌물에 대한 입장
  2) 공정한 상거래
  3) 보증에 대한 입장
 10. 구제에 반영된 공정성
 11. 요약과 계속적 연구를 위한 과제
 12. 참고문헌


  • 한동구 Dong-Gu Han. 평택대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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