

Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing via Middle-Ware Technologies



Mobile devices are playing a vital role in information processing systems in day to day life. Current trend suggests that smart phones are going to be the first-most computing devices which many people will carry with them for maximum time everywhere. However, smart phones are still lacking behind the essential resources. This demands the need for Mobile Cloud Computing, where the key elements of data storage and data processing are carried outside the mobile devices. So this provides flexibility to mobile users as, the application and the data stored remotely can be accessed on-the-fly with high speed networks. Variation among the mobile network on basis of elements such as, bandwidth, unstable network and its uncertain availability are barriers for Quality Of Services in the performance. Thus the solution is to connect the mobile devices heterogeneously where they work collaboratively as resource providers. Our mechanism suggest for “Mobile to Hub to Cloud” model which can tackles the network disparity problem. A scenario gives the perfect example for the need of such model, mobile users in areas with infrastructure where the costs of accessing the network is too high, such as traveler who doesn’t wished to pay high roaming charges. Thus the suggested model can evaluate the following options: storing data in mobile hubs and improving the message delivery performance. So as in our example, traveler now can push the data onto the mobile buffers or hubs which in turn will send it to the cloud server.


 1. Introduction
 2. Surviving Techniques
 3. Motivation
 4. Architecture
  4.1. Communication Model
  4.2. Security Management
  4.3. Control Flow
 5. Methodology and Tools
 6. Result Analysis
 7. Conclusion & Future Work


  • Zhang Liuyang School of Computer Science & Engineering, VIT University, India
  • J. Vijayashree School of Computer Science & Engineering, VIT University, India
  • J. Jayashree School of Computer Science & Engineering, VIT University, India
  • Ronnie D. Caytiles Hannam University, Korea
  • N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar School of Computer Science & Engineering, VIT University, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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