

Creativity-Character Element Analysis by Organic Fusion of Creativity and Character



This research aims to extract Creativity-Character Elements by organic fusions of Creativity and Character by examining previous researches on the relationships between creativity and character. Based on previously related researches on the relationship between creativity and character, there are slight differences in opinions, but it appears that they are influencing mutually. Hence, the coherence of elements of creativity and those of characters was endeavored. There were totals of 36 Creativity-Character Elements extracted through this research results. This study attempted organic fusions of Creativity Elements with Character Elements based on the correlation between Creativity and Character. The results of this research would be crucial and fundamental resources for Creativity-Character Education in the educational fields.


 1. Introduction
 2. Relationship between Creativity and Character
 3. Search for Elements by Organic Fusion of Creativity and Character
  3.1. Organic Fusion of Creativity Element and Character Element
  3.2. Extracting Creativity-Character Elements
 4. Results and Implications


  • Younchul Choi Dept. Early Childhood Education, Korea National University of Education
  • Hyunju Choi Institute for early child education, Korea National University of Education
  • Kyungchul Kim Dept. Early Childhood Education, Korea National University of Education
  • Bookyung Cho Dept. Early Childhood Education, Korea National University of Education


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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