

A Study on Tennis Competition Enhancement Technology on the Basis of Virtual Reality Technology



With the development of the science and technology, as one of the hot direction of IT, the virtual reality technology has been widely used in more and more fields. Wherein, in sports competition, it is particularly prominent. This paper is based on the related theories of virtual reality, sets up the tennis dynamics model, using ODE technology to operate the simulation system. By simulating the trajectory and collision detection, this paper has drawn a conclusion that virtual reality technology can make accurate and scientific simulation on sports competition both in static and simulation lab environment. Therefore, the computer virtual technology has a catalytic effect on sports competition enhancement technology. Moreover, this paper will open up new ideas for the application of computer virtual technology on sports competition enhancement technology, and also provide the theoretical basis for related researches.


 1. Introduction
 2. Introduction about Related Application Technology
  2.1. Virtual Reality Technology
  2.2. ODE Technology
  2.3. Simulation System
 3. The Application of Sports Enhancement Technology Based on VR
  3.1. Analysis on Applied Technology of VR Technology
  3.2. Establishing Models
  3.3. Simulation Based on ODE
  3.4. Simulation Collision Detection
 4. Experiment and Analysis on the Results
  4.1. Static Experiment
  4.2. Simulation Experiment
 5. Conclusion


  • Li Ai’jun Shijiazhuang Vocational School, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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