

The Influence of Robot-Based Learning on Elementary School Students’ Creativity



This study examines the influence of robot-based learning on both male and female elementary school students’ creativity. For this purpose, we applied robot-based learning to the official Republic of Korean general education course curriculum, comprised of mathematics, social studies, science and art. A creativity test was conducted twice, both pre and post robot-based learning. The results indicate that robot-based learning increases students’ creativity effectively. Furthermore, the creativity of students in the middle and upper grades showed distinct improvement in comparison with that of students in lower grades, regardless of gender. The results of this research are significant because the study investigates the potential for robots to be used as a source of educational media and possibilities for the examination of robot-based learning on elementary school student creativity in a regular education course.


 1. Introduction
 2. Research Subject
 3. Related Research
  3.1. Educational Robots and Robot-Based Learning
  3.2. Creativity and Robot-Based Learning
 4. Robot-Based Learning Program
  4.1. Program Development Process
  4.2. Cases of Program Development
 5. Study Method
  5.1. Subject of Measurement
  5.2. Research Procedures and Method of Analysis
  5.3 Creativity Measurement Tool
 6. Results of Research
  6.1. A difference in Creativity between Pre- and Post-inspection Score
  6.2. A Difference In Creativity Between Pre- and Post-Inspection Score According To Gender
  6.3. Changes in Schoolboy Creativity, According to Grade Level
  6.4. Changes in Schoolgirl Creativity, According to Grade Level
 7. Conclusions


  • Jeeun Baek Department of Education, Wonkwang University, Jeonbuk, Korea
  • Mabyong Yoon Department of Science Education, Jeonju University, Jeonbuk, Korea


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