

A Collecting Machine Design for Oil Slick



Oil spill accidents are likely to increase in three decades. An oil spill accident can lead to serious crisis to the marine environment. The wastewater and waste sludge all contains oil in the process of petroleum mining. The oil slick can move or transfer by spread, evaporate, dissolve, emulsifying, photolysis, and biodegradation and absorption which can pollute air, water and soil and is a disaster to the environment. The research analysis shows the oil slick flow with surface wave in wind and finds a few characteristics can help the design. A new collecting machine which can collect the oil slick efficient is designed by adjusting its position in the surface wave. The design includes three main parts of machine while the collecting plate is keeping under the wave but squeeze water surface. All the machine parts shall be controlled with a flexible smart system to adapt the changing surface wave in the ocean.


 1. Introduction
 2. Analysis of Oil Slick Characteristics
  2.1. How the Marine Oil Spill Happened
  2.2. Oil Slick Characteristics in Surface Wave.
  2.3. Troubles in Cleaning.
 3. The Analysis of Surface Wave Flow
 4. The Design of Smart Model
  4.1. The Goal of the Collecting System
  4.2. The Smart Sensors in Control System
 5. The Composition of Collecting Machine
 6. Conclusion


  • Chunhui Lu School of Mechanical-Electronic Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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