

소설의 재매개와 포스트휴먼의 형성 - 소설 ≪天龍八部≫에서 게임 ≪天龍八部3D≫까지


The Remediation of Novel and the Formation of Posthuman ― From the novel <Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils> to the mobile game <Tianlongbabu3D>

소설의 재매개와 포스트휴먼의 형성 - 소설 ≪천용팔부≫에서 게임 ≪천용팔부3D≫까지


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study starts with Jin Yong’s famous novel, , or . But what I mainly discussed is not the novel itself, but a mobile game , which is based on the novel. I tried to find out what happened during the process of translating the novel into the game, and to explain what it means. One of my two main concept is ‘remediation’. When a new media emerges, people tend to think that this new media is going to completely replace the old one. But the invention of camera did not extinguish painters, and kindle did not replace paperback. In fact, picture and painting, e-book and actual book created a complex interaction, affecting each other. We call this interaction ‘remediation’. When a novel was transformed into a mobile game , this ‘remediation’ happened. The game looks like it’s telling the same story as the novel did, but different media has different characteristic. For instance, in the game you can visit the same place as many times as you want, and beat enemies you couldn’t dream of beating in the novel. Next main concept is ‘posthuman’. By posthuman, I mean the change of the very concept of human being. To humanism subject, reason is very important. They have very clear ‘boundary’, which consists their ‘self’. But posthuman transcends above this boundary. They embrace ‘alien’ things like metal arm or electric body parts, they do not exclude things that were considered to be outside of the boundary, like cyborg, robot or A.I.. I think what we see in the game is the emergence of posthuman. The playable character that the player controls is posthuman, and the player itself is also posthuman. Above the boundary of human/smartphone, the posthuman ascends. In short, through this study I found out that the remediation of novel by game produces new meanings and activities, and that the very concept of human self is shaking. Posthuman is already among us.


본고는 소설 《天龍八部》가 디지털 게임 《天龍八部3D》로 재매개(remediate)되는 과정을 추적하고, 그 과정 중에서 나타나는 미디어 판본의 차이를 밝힌다. 나아가 그 과정 속에서 새로운 주체, 즉 포스트휴먼이 등장하고 있다고 주장한다.


1. 서론
 2. 선행연구 및 핵심 개념 정리
  1) 선행연구
  2) 핵심 개념 정리 : 재매개와 포스트휴먼
  3) 대상 텍스트에 대하여
 3. 본론 I : 1차 텍스트 분석
  1) 전개과정의 차이
  2) 결말과 비결말
  3) 데이터베이스 소비
 4. 본론 II : 2차 텍스트 분석
 5. 본론 III : 주체의 분열/확장과 포스트휴먼의 등장
 6. 결론 : 포스트휴먼의 등장과 그 의미


  • 최재용 Choi, Jae-yong. 명지대학교 중어중문학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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