


미용 예술의 미학적 함의


Aesthetic Implications of Beauty Art


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is what is the beauty care? Also it was what is the art and with confronted to the sentimental condition of the human being which is related and it is what are as nine aesthetics which burn. Asks the answer with the elder brother abnormal maul rain right where until the flag is discussed to a human being creation after today with the belt will be an argument of the concept which is not same right answer. But it goes without question a brother-in-law time past and present and until now serious consideration the second lieutenant for the experience of the American thing which it comes to think the condition of the mind which is special American ceremony this as essential element wild public opinion one of the aesthetics which is discussed, and also as standard of the beautiful thing lies between in the subjectivity which is thought and an American experience and his sentiment wild gap (inserted) it makes with the fact that it is an integral part one mentality of the ceremony which is special it puts out it is assumed. The triangular position of the circumference study which is related in consequently like this beauty care ‘beauty care art’ the place where it understands the study which is must precede and background of American study it precedes and it does not understand not to be, it expects a study development, it is a difficult thing. The each field of beauty care is beautiful pursues only an outside essence until now and the all thing is fact and inner it is beautiful with it looked away the study traditional result true identity characteristic as that basis and if it lost the study authority as beauty care art, it sees, it means will not be the overstatement. In essential explanation of this beauty care art which it asks all aesthetics which are beginning of the year philosophy scatter oneself and it throws away as history fact to one side aesthetics sufficiency they are not to be a thing, the aesthetics as ever is the indication which is positive against without being the essential thing to different one side.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 미용예술의 미학적 가치
  1. 미학의 사상적 배경
  2. 미의 본질과 아름다움의 해명
 Ⅲ. 예술의 본질과 예술성의 극복의 문제
 Ⅳ. 미용예술의 미학적 전제
  1. 인간 이해의 미용예술
  2. 자기성취의 미용예술
  3. 미적 경험의 미용예술
 Ⅴ. 미용예술의 미학적 적용
  1. 미용예술의 가치 전제적 모방성
  2. 미용예술의 미적 인식과 창조성
  3. 미용예술의 초월성
 Ⅵ. 결론
 Ⅶ. 참고문헌


  • 이상현 Sang-Hyun Lee. 동주대학교 미용계열


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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