The vigorous development of various technologies in the cloud computation field promotes the development and progress of cloud services. But with the large accumulation of information data in the cloud services, in order to meet user’s needs of cloud services multi-function, the operation capacity of a single cloud service is not enough. Now, combining two or many cloud services is a hot research problem. The other hot research problem is that the task of data construction is assigned to different cloud service platforms. However, the combination schemes are too much, so how to ensure the optimal scheme is credible? It has become the key to solve the problem. After reading a large number of literatures, the paper proposes the big data reliable combination evaluation method based on the cloud service QoS model. By getting the contribution of each of the services in the combination scheme set, the method chooses the optimal cloud service combination scheme. Then the optimal scheme is evaluated its reliability.
1. The Research Background
2. Status Quo at Home Abroad
3. QoS Model of Cloud Service
3. 1. General QoS Model
3. 2. The Load Capacity of Cloud Service
3. 3. The Dependence of the Cloud Service
3. 4. The Utility Function in the Model
4. Big Data Reliable Combination Evaluation Method
4. 1. Reliable Combination Evaluation Method based on QoS
4. 2. Reliable Combination Evaluation Method based on Contribution Degree
5. The Experiment Evaluation
5. 1. The Experiment Configuration
5. 2. The Experiment Results Analysis
5. 3. Comparison and Analysis
6. Research Results
7. Conclusion