

자유학기제 활용을 통한 중등 건축융합교육 프로그램 사례연구


A Case Study on the Architectural Convergence Education Program for Secondary Students through Free-Learning Semester


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study intends to integrate architecture and humanistic writing through the 'writing and dreaming' pilot program of the extracurricular club activities during the free-learning semester and the following effects can be expected. Firstly, students can broaden their horizons of recognition of the built environment around their environment through writings and architectural activities. Secondly, students can understand their 'dream' and 'life' more specifically through physical environment. Thirdly, it is important for students to understand that the act of architecture is not just to build a physical 'house' but to establish a relationship between architectural episteme and physical system. This program was conducted twice a week for a total of 20 students during the second semester of 2016 using the first year student's free-learning semester of 'H' middle school. The results of self-evaluation of the program during the semester are as follows. 1.Student's perception of 'home' and 'school' has changed in concrete and creative ways. 2.Through writings and architectural activities on 'house', students were able to cultivate their future and dreams more specifically. 3.Student's interest and the idea about what is architecture has increased and expanded. 4.'Task concentration intensity', as the result of long-term fusion of writing and architectural activities has increased.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구의 배경 및 목적
 Ⅱ. 건축융합교육 프로그램 개요
  1. 자유학기제 동아리 프로그램
  2. 건축융합교육 프로그램 개괄
  3. 건축융합교육 프로그램 활동구성
  4. 융합건축교육 프로그램 활동 준비 및 진행과정
 Ⅲ. 건축융합교육 프로그램 활동결과
  1. 회차별 활동결과
  2. 프로그램 활동 만족도 평가
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 유명희 Yoo, Myoung-hee. 울산대학교 건축학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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