

동학에 나타난 공공행복 연구


A Study on the Public Common Happiness in Donghak


동학학회 동학학보 제20호 2010.12 pp.267-294
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this article is to analyse Eastern Learning, Donghak's view on the public common happiness through private autonomy and the public commonness. Donghak has given a new understanding of the public common happiness in the between the private and the public. Spell and Talisman which Choi Jaewoo received from the God in the 1860's mystical experience mean as follows. They are important bases in the cultivation of public common character in the Donghak's ethical community. The hopes of Choi Jaewoo were projected on the spell and magic figure as conviviality. In reality, the spell and the talisman mean the conviviality which Chi obtained in the mystical experience. The public common happiness in Donghak appears through the consideration of Donghak’s thought and its movement as follows. First, conviviality thought of Donghak is going to pull down wall in spirit between the private affairs and public welfare. Conviviality of Donghak becomes groundwork between public common personality and ethical community. Second, equalitarianism thought has been built in woman respect thought and child respect thought. Woman respect thought take away accessories or that neglect and there is the conviviality thought of woman respect in terms of treated by public common personality. Modern conviviality of child respect thought can assume a new opportunity that old persons can think child as important as public common personality. Third, the public ethical thought could the moralism thought of Doanghak as keeping mind justly by sincerity together respect and belief in the public common personality. It is possible to attain public common conviviality by way of keeping the flag of public conviviality. Fourth, it is the public common dimension by trans-versal mediation between public common happiness and individual's happiness. Donghak emphasize the stimulating spirit of reciprocal understanding. In difficult situation such as radical shakes of the nation by decomposition of unofficial decision and infiltration of external condition, the new epoch would come as public trans-versal mediation of public common happiness in the ethical community.


이 글에서 우리는 동학에 나타난 공공행복(公共幸福)을 고찰하게 된다. 공공행복은 자타(自他)가 더불어 향유하는 행복으로 공공인격의 함양을 통하여 영성공동체를 지향한다. 동학에서 공공인격은 수심정기에 의해 성·경·신의 도덕성이 함양된 인격으로 수심정기로 마음을 지키며, 내면을 절제하면서 금욕적 삶이 되도록 성·경·신을 적용시켜 공사(公私)를 이어주고 함께 살리게 된다. 동학에는 성·경·신을 통하여 한울님을 섬기고 수심정기로써 도를 극진히 닦으면서, ‘공공행복 영성공동체’ 실현을 위해서 ‘동귀일체(同歸一體)’를 강조한다. 동학혁명은 농민중심의 ‘가난하거나 재산 없는 사람의 사회계급혁명’에 그치지 않고, 겨레의 ‘공공행복 영성공동체 실현’을 지향하는 가운데 집단영성을 표출하였다. 동학의 ‘공공행복’은 시천주ㆍ삼경사상ㆍ성령출세설ㆍ보국안민ㆍ광제창생에서 나타난다. 그것은 삼재를 통합하는 합일(合一)이 아니라 상호회통(相互會通)하면서 인격의 생명가치를 공공으로 향유하는 공공행복의 특징을 보여준다.


 1. 머리말
 2. 동학의 공공인격 함양(涵養)
 3. 동학의 영성공동체 구현(具現)
 4. 동학의 공공행복 기치(旗幟)
 5. 맺음말


  • 김용환 Kim, Yong Hwan. 충북대학교 사범대학 윤리교육과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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