

그림책 번역 : ‘그림 속 텍스트’를 중심으로


Translation of Picturebooks : A Case Study of Intraiconic Texts


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article addresses the question of intraiconic text in translations of picture books. According to Reiss’ text typology, picture books can be considered as both expressive text and medium-oriented text since they are children's literature and composed of not only verbal text but also visual text (illustrations). When working with this type of text, translators must take into consideration aesthetic forms and non-verbal factors that convey the narrative to the same degree as does the verbal text. Picturebooks may be defined as iconotext, in which text and image are inseparably intertwined. Intra-iconic text is a type of iconotext, and it is defined as a text inserted into objects represented in illustrations, such as book titles, signs, etc. It assumes three functions in the narrative: emphasis of the theme, narrative strategy, and creation of dual readerships. Therefore, intraiconic text, which is sometimes neglected during translation process, requires a more analytic reading to identify its functions in the source text. This will help to convey in the target text the intention and effects entailed by these verbal factors inserted in illustrations.


 1. 서론
 2. 아이코노텍스트로서의 그림책
 3. ‘그림 속 텍스트’의 기능
  3.1. 주제 표현
  3.2. 서사전략
  3.3. 독자층의 확대
 4. 결론


  • 이성엽 Lee, Sung-Yup.. 이화여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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