

Design and Implementation of Hadoop-based Customer Marketing Big Data Processing System




The era of big data has become the core competitiveness of enterprises, which is an important business capital with supporting data. Companies can truly benefit undefeated. Multi data also have cultural change, organizational models and even business. This requires that companies use to analyze consumer data on consumer behavior. This article study and implementation of a distributed architecture platform Hadoop big data applications (Web data mining and processing platform), the use of Hadoop massive data processing capacity and strong elastic computing capacity expansion. Data processing and analysis will be raised to new heights. For this type of paper, at the same time focus on the distributed cluster data storage, processing capacity optimization and key technology research. The reliability and validity were analyzed to determine the data collected in this study. The questionnaire is effective, which can be used in subsequent studies. Then correlation analysis and regression analysis model and hypothesis were tested. Finally, the model of precision marketing strategy put forward recommendations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Application of System Architecture Analysis and Overall Design
  2.1 HDFS Architecture
  2.2 Consumer Behavior Insights
  2.3 Research on Consumer Decision-making Mechanism
 3. Modeling and Description
  3.1 C2C Mode of Consumer Behavior Research
  3.2 Consumer Behavior Supports Accurate Marketing Decisions
 4. Experiment and Results
  4.1 Data Acquisition and Pre-processing
  4.2 Large Amount of Test Data Training
  4.3 Reliability Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Yang Liu Institue of Applied Electronics, ChongQing College of Electronic Engineering, ChongQing, China


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