

Research on Online Sports Metadata Extraction System based on Video Processing Technology



ports video metadata extraction system based on the content of basic goal use an automated or semi-automated interactive means to obtain video data as complete features and attributes for efficient retrieval mechanism. For fast access to video information needed, sports video ornamental create conditions. Firstly, video-based layered metadata description model, we discuss the structure of the video processing technology, and an increase in the time domain and airspace video object motion information on this basis. Low-level visual features for video and high-level semantic features presents a particular field of video information for video implicit hierarchical division method. Video automated visual feature extraction, semantic feature places marked attracted achieve human-computer interaction. Focus on the sports information descriptors and visual content descriptors, descriptor structure video. Video data based on hierarchical structure model and video features standard video content description model.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Theory and Method
  2.1 Sports ML
  2.2 Sports Video Metadata Model
  2.3 Video Feature Selection
 3. Video and Metadata Management
  3.1 Storing Metadata Information
  3.2 Search Results for Many Types of Information Gathering Process
 4. Experiment and Results
  4.1 Shot Detection
  4.2 Full-text Search of Sports Video Metadata
 5. Conclusions


  • Haixin Yao School of Physical Culture, North China University Of Science And Technology, Tangshan, China
  • Jinmei Shao School of Physical Culture, North China University Of Science And Technology, Tangshan, China


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