

Big Data Acquisition and Analysis Platform for Intermodal Transport



This paper aims for the transparency and visualization of the international intermodal cargo transportation throughout its whole process, achieving a comprehensive monitoring on the multiple transportation means such as by ocean, by air, by land or by rail. Based on Internet-of-Things-based distributed data acquisition technology and the cloud-computing-based big data analysis technology, this paper gives out a Multimodal Monitoring technology that can uniformly solve the comprehensive management of multiple transportation vehicles, which includes a service functionality model, a network hierarchy model and a technology system model. By building a Generic Target Monitoring System, it proves the multimodal monitoring resolution is able to effectively monitor the multiple transportation means and provide a fair good database platform of later analysis, distribution and optimization of those vehicles.


 1. Introduction
 2. Relevant Applications
  2.1. Shipping Monitoring Applications
  2.2. Other Transportation Monitoring Applications
  2.3. Monitoring Applications on Comprehensive Transportations
  2.4. Distributed Acquisition and Analysis
  2.5. Remaining Unsettled Problems of Existing Applications
 3. The Proposal of Multimodal Monitoring Technology
  3.1. Distributed Data Acquisition Based on Internet of Things
  3.2. Big Data Processing Environment Based on Cloud Computing
  3.3. Visualization Analysis Based on GIS
 4. Building Generic Target Monitoring System, GTMS
  4.1. Service Functionality Model of GTMS
  4.2. Network Layers Model of GTMS
  4.3. Technology System Model of GTMS
 5. Experiments and Verification
  5.1. Build GTMS Prototype System
  5.2. Trial Results of the Prototype System
 6. Conclusion


  • Kai Xu Shanghai International Shipping Institute, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, PR China
  • Hong Zhen Shanghai International Shipping Institute, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, PR China
  • Yan Li Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
  • Luo Yue Shanhai Yiwei Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, PR China


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