

세종의 ‘인문전략’과 여주의 세종인문도시 실험


King Sejong and Humanities Statecrafts : A Study on Yeoju City’s Experiment


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, I would like to investigate the ambitious statecrafts of King Sejong who is one of the wisest Kings in the Korean history. I will call his statecrafts as‘ Humanities Statecraft’which means his craft to rule the kingdom through using the classics. According to recent research, King Sejong was very good at employing the significance of the humanities. He had been not only affected by the classics, having published various literatures with the help of his understanding of them. His reign (1418-1450) has been recognized as one of the most critical periods in Korean history. . In this paper, I will show that his statecrafts can be successfully implemented in our context. To do so, I will illustrate many different strategies, focusing on giving the talks in the book, raising the standard of a council in the Royal presence, and people’s overall living standards. Furthermore, I will show how members of King Sejong Institute for Leadership and Statecraft in YIT implements the ideas of King Sejong, modeling after King Sejong’s‘ Humanities Statecraft’and setting their sights on renovating Yeoju citizen. Finally I shall argue that among their major methods the storytelling of the leadership of King Sejong would be very effective.


세종이 훌륭한 지도자로 성장할 수 있었던 것도 책이었고, 그로 하여금 성공적 인 국가경영자로 자리매김하게 한 것도 책이었다. 이른바‘문사철’로 상징되는 인문학을 세종은 어전회의와 백성교화에 최대한 활용하였다. 본 연구는 세종이 국격(國格)을 높이기 위해 구사한‘인문전략’과 관련해, 그가 읽은 책과 그의 시 대에 편찬된 문헌을 소개하는 한편, 그러한 전략이 경연이나 집현전에 미친 영향 을 분석하였다. 아울러 세종의 인문전략을 모방하여 지역을 인문도시로 변화시 키려는 경기도 여주시의‘세종인문도시사업’의 진행현황을 공유하였다.


I. 도입-세종은 인문학적 국가경영자?
 II. 세종의 ‘인문전략’과 책
 III. 세종을 만든 14~15세기의 인문적 기풍
 IV. 여주, 세종인문도시로 날아오르다
 V. 맺는 말


  • 박현모 Park, Hyun-Mo. 여주대학교 세종리더십연구소장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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