

e-Book의 특성 및 성장가능성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Characteristics and Growth Possibility of e-Book


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent times, drastic developments in digital technology and the extensive and rapid spread of the Internet have effected tremendous change within the various cultural contents industries. This study aims to focus on the publishing sector within a context of the larger cultural contents industry. In particular, the researcher aims to identify the unique characteristics of e-Book which is widely being accepted as a new paradigm in the publishing sector - by focusing on how it differentiates itself from other media, and investigating its acceptance of recent developments in digital technology. An attempt will also be made to foresee the manufacturing structure and market position of the publishing industry after the emergence of e-Book. In addition, this study has also presented the researchers interrogative focus on future developments for cultural content in general, in view of the specific technological and industrial features of e-Book. The development direction for e-Book as presented by the researcher can be largely divided into the micro and macro levels. For instance, the micro-level core development trajectory is primarily oriented around the faithful manufacture of contents. In other words, the most fundamental and important factor for the growth of e-Book - which utilizes various media forms and overcomes the limits of the existing publishing industry - is an emphasis on design. A design-centric approach not only befits the recent trend to preactively use design features in the publishing sector, but also poses immediate relevance due to its requisite status in order to secure competitiveness in the related industrial field. The results of this study provide a concentrated direction for the growth of e-Book, which has recently seen a mass of new evaluative data in the field. The results also present a proposed method for coordinating interests between the government and industry which are both pursuing solutions to various challenges regarding e-Book - and for promoting growth in the related industries.


 Ⅰ. 서언
 Ⅱ. e-Book의 등장배경 및 의의
  1. 등장배경
  2. 개념
  3. 구성요소
 Ⅲ. e-Book의 특성
  1. 타 매체와의 차별성
  2. 제작구조상의 특성
  3. 유통구조상의 특성
 Ⅳ. e-Book의 발전가능성
 Ⅴ. e-Book의 개발방향
 Ⅵ. 결언


  • 권경철 Kyung-Chul, Gwon. 동주대학 시각영상디자인계열 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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