

妹式會社의 監査委員會制度에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Audit Committee

주식회사의 감사위원회제도에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Commerce Code and the Securities Exchange Law have introduced the audit committee which has been developed in American corporates. This committee may be a committee of the board of directors, composed exclusively of directors more than 3, and more than two thirds of the members must be outside-directors. The audit committee should supervise the corporate management by the managing directors. Therefore the directors composed the audit committee must be independent of managing directors, and be skilled or experienced in business and audit. But Korean statutes include many problems that obstruct strict supervisement on management. For example the audit committee may be composed of inside directors who would be under the influence of managing directors, and many outside directors used to be usually recommended by managing directors. Under this structure it is worried whether the audit committee would supervise efficently corporate management or not. In order to strengthen the supervision functions of the audit committee in managing the corporation, the audit committee should be only composed of outside directors, and the members should be independent of the managing directors. In the election of outside directors the qualifications must be restricted than ever and cumulative voting must be adopted. And under the audit committee it must be established the inside auditor that audit the business activities and books of account. Furthermore it is desirable that obligated corporations registered at the Korea Stock Exchange have establish the audit committee.


I. 序論
 II. 藍査制度에 관한 주요 立法例
  1. 美國
  2. 獨逸
  3. 日本
  4. 比較
 III. 우리나라 藍査委員會制度의 內容
  1. 藍査制度의 二元化
  2. 藍査委員會 構成
  3. 藍査委員會의 職務
  4. 特徵
 IV.  藍査委員會制度의 間題點
  1. 槪說
  2. 社內理事 藍査委員會 參與
  3. 藍査委員會의 獨立性
  4. 藍査委員會 監督機能의 限界
  5. 藍査委員會 設置 義務化 對象 會社의 範圍
 V. 改善方案
  1. 槪說
  2. 藍査委員會의 獨立性 强化
  3. 藍査委員會의 機能 再調整
  4. 上場會社에 대한 藍査委員會 設置 義務化
 VI. 結論


  • 정쾌영 Koae Young Jung. 法學博士, 동의대학교 경영학부 겸임조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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