

사이버무역에 대비한 전자결제시스템에 관한 연구


A Study on the Electronic Settlement System for Cybertrade


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cybertrade is regarded as an international B2B EC, one of e-commerce, which is expected to replace the typical trade practice in the future. In our nation, the trade industry`s cybertrade is just in the beginning stage to make an on-line contract and build EDI. However, large businesses are gradually taking the initiative in introducing cybertrade, and among the nations worldwide, there is an evident movement to prepare both legislative and feasible cybertrade systems to take the lead. One example is a TradeCard, which is dealt with in this study. TradeCard is an e-commerce system that has been developed since 1994 by the World Trade Center Association(WTCA) as an alternative to the existing inefficient L/C, in an effort to ensure safe on-line international trade and settlement between importer and exporter. The entire procedure from document transmission, trade finance, insurance and settlement to logistics, is automated, which contributes to lowering the required time by maximum 80 percent. However, the availability of TradeCard is currently limited, as just six nations, including the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea, provide on-line trade service. Its security and authentication are not yet perfect, and there is no international standard legal system, either. But TradeCard will be able to serve as the best on-line automatic solution for the world trade industry, provided that those problems are fixed.


I . 서론
 II. 사이버무역의 본질
  1. 사이버무역의 개념
  2. 사이버무역의 거래절차
  3. 사이버무역의 현황
 III. 전자결제시스템과 TradeCard 시스템
  1. 전자곁제시스템의 현황
  2. TradeCard 시스템
 IV. 사이버무역에 대비한 전자결제시스템 개발방향
 V. 결론


  • 서동균 Dong Gyun Seo. 동아대학교 무역학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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