

인터넷 가상기업의 등장으로 인한 정보원 수집업무의 변화에 관한 연구


A Study on the Change of Information Collection Business relating to Entrance of Internet Cyber Corporation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is certain that EC(Electronic Commerce) applying the internet will be activated in the knowledge society of 21 century based on IT(Information Technology). Though this change of social environment helps the useful information resource available to expand, it looks like that the rapid inclease in lots of information to gather makes to spend more man power and costs on job of information source collection than before and now. Therefore the most urgent part for the business process reengineering in work of information service center is the business of information source collection. The job of information source collection is the core part in organizations and facilities. These organigations and facilities have to establish the policy of the information source stock which they should possess and also worker should endeavour to configure the kernel information source stock constantly. I assert that they need to ensure a specialty with the improvement of business process accompanying choosing the information source. Especially, in a case of purchasing foreign information source by request of information users so on they have to replace the job of information source using agency with direct dealing using EC. This Business Process Reengineering will cut down on expenses, ofter the transparency of information source collection and also give the users confidence.


I. 서론
 II. 업무 재설계의 이론적 고찰
  1. 리엔지니어링의 개념과 특징
  2. 리엔지니어링의 기본원리
  3. 리엔지니어링의 절차
 III. 현행 정보원의 수집업무 및 절차
  1. 정보원의 수집업무 내용
  2. 대행시스템의 절차 및 문제점
 IV. 개선된 수집업무의 재설계
  1. 개선된 정보원의 수집절차
  2. 직거래시스템의 유용성 및 해결과제
  3. 직거래시스템의 적용방안
 V. 결론


  • 박재용 Jae Yong Park. 신라대학교 경상대학 경영학부 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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