

자료포락분석 (DEA) 에 의한 제품계열의 효율성 분석


An Analysis of Efficiencies for Product Lines by Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to apply DEA(data envelopment analysis) method to analyze the development and operations efficiencies of product lines in an automotive components manufacturing company. DEA method was primarily used to evaluate relative efficiencies of not-for-profit organizations or programs. However, this study has show that DEA is successfully applicable to the manufacturing companies. As for DEA input factors, production line space and number of workers were selected to reflect operations management. Development lead time, total development investment, and the newness of development technology employed were selected to reflect development effort. Yearly sales amount, production capacity, number of different cars the product lines fit, quality cost claimed and line stop hours at the auto makers assembly lines due to the unsatisfactory deliveries were selected as for DEA output performance factors. 30 product lines were investigated and 12 of them turned out to be inefficient, and 7 of those 12 were under 80% efficiency. However, we could make a conclusion that most of the product lines performed their best or near best technical efficiencies. Those inefficient product lines were distinguished with the reference of efficient dominant product lines. In addition, the amount of slacks for each input factor was computed by the sensitivity analysis of DEA. All these DEA results were utilized to improve the production effciencies of the inefficient product lines. Cost reduction, quality improvement, development ability improvement, and specialization were recommended for each inefficient product lines. Also, those results can be benchmarked for the new product development project in planning lead time, investment amount and new technology to employ. Solvers in Microsoft Excel was used to solve many LP problems in DEA method. We should note here that Excel Solver was very convenient in data manipulation solving LP problems.


I. 서론
  1. 문제의 제기
  2. 연구배경과 연구목적
  3. 연구의 방법
 II. 자동차 산업의 환경변화
  1. 국내 자동차 산업의 환경변화
  2. 자동차업계의 경쟁력 강화 노력
 III. 효율성 평가에 관한 이론
  1. 효율성의 개념과 측정 방법
  2. 기술효율성과 전체효율성
  3. DEA 모형에 의한 효율성 측정
 IV. 자료포락분석 (DEA)
  1. DEA 모형의 기본이론
  2. CCR 모델과 쌍대문제
  3. 우위 집합과 효율성 개선
  4. 볼록집합 모형 (convex model)
 V. 결론
  1. 연구 요약 및 결론
  2. 연구의 한계와 향후의 연구


  • 김영환 Young Hwan Kim. (주)카스코 기술자문역


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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