

소득세 납세자의 조세회피 영향요인에 관한 연구


An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Tax Evasion


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the effect of age, income level, and sex on income tax evasion using data from Busan province. Since Clotfelter(1983), the empirical analysis of taxpayer compliance has attracted increasing attention. However, despite these efforts, our understanding of tax evasion remains surprisingly limited, The fundamental difficulty in empirical work is the absence of detailed and reliable information on individual tax evasion choices. Cross-sectional multiple regression models estimated to examine the factors associated with tax evasion. Multiple regression models were also estimated with data obtained by cross-sectional observations to allow for a clearer identification of the effects of these factors. With our sample data, we are able to construct measures for different combinations of these forms of tax evasion. Our empirical model of income tax evasion alternatively uses age(AGE), total income(TI), and gender(SEX) as the regression factors. The empirical results indicate that tax evasion decreases in age, male. In this paper we provide new evidence on the persistence and robustness of tax evasion and its association with taxpayer characteristics. This study contributes to on-going debates in tax policy concerned about taxpayers` responses to tax considerations. As such, the results od this study should be of interest to the tax authority, taxpayers, and tax researchers.


I. 서론
 II. 션행연구의 검토
  1. 분석적 연구
  2. 회귀분석연구
  3 설문조사연구
  4. 실험실연구
 III. 연구모형의 설계
  1. 변수의 선정과 조작적 정의
  2. 연구가설 및 모형의 설계
  3. 자료의 수집 및 표본의 구성
  4. 자료의 분석방법
 IV. 분석결과와 해석
  1. 기술적 통계치와 회귀진단
  2. 분석결과와 해석
 V. 결론


  • 石琪濬 석기준. 동명대학 세무회계과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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