

美國 通商政策의 論理와 韓國의 對應方案에 관한 考察


A Study on the Logic of US Commercial Policy and the Opposite Methods of Korean's Firms

미국 통상정책의 논리와 한국의 대응방안에 관한 고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In fact, U.S still utilizes the unilateral measures, against its major trading partner, in particular, Korea and ANICs, such as the section 301 of the trade act of 1974, as amended(regular 301, super 301, etc.), and its derivatives even under the U.R compromise and the WTO system. In this paper, we review the implications of the logic and perspective of the U.S commercial policy and Korean`s opposite methods. In future, it seems that the U.S. intended to use the Threat Effect of section 301, and thereby assume a more advantageous negotiating position in the matter of liberalizing the Korea. Although USTR has actively utilized the regular 301 provision. it has hardly apply Super 301 nor Special 301 provisions which are to correct foreign countries` unfair practices comprehensively by identified priority foreign countries practices and negotiating with the foreign countries.


I. 序論
 II. 美圍 通商政第의 論理
  1. 保護貿易主義
  2. 相互主義와 公正貿易
  3. 二國間主義의 擴大
 III. 美國 通商政策의 主要 規制措置
  1. 不公正 規制措置
  2. 一方的 規制措置(通商法 301 條 中心)
 IV. 美園 通團政策에 대한 韓圍의 對應方案
 V. 結論


  • 崔永坤 최영곤. 한국경영문제연구소 연구원, 동아대학교 경영대학 무역학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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