

消費者 關與類型과 情報處理의 關係에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Relationship between Patterns of Involvement and Consumer Information Processing

소비자 관여유형과 정보처리의 관계에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Consumer want to buy products which they want to buy under certain informations about the products, because, in many cases of buying products under uncertain informations, they feel postpurchase dissonance and/or dissatisfaction. so consumers search internal and/or external information. The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between patterns of involvement and consumer information processing under situations with considerating several moderators. Patterns of involvement in this study mean enduring involvement and situational involvement, and patterns of consumer information processing mean choice by processing brand(CPB), choice by processing attribute(CPA). Several moderators which was used in this study are consumer knowledge such as familiarity and subjective expertise, and variety-seeking behavior. Findings of this study are as follows ; The strongest involvement set with processing by brand is the set of situational low involvement(mean=4.88), and the next is the set of enduring low involvement(mean=4.42), and the third is the set of situational high involvement(mean=4.12). The weakest involvement set with processing by brand is the set of enduring high involvement.


I. 序論
 II. 理論的 背景
  1. 關與에 관한 理論
  2. 情報探累에 관한 理論
  3. 調節變數에 관한 理論
 III. 硏究模型및 調査設計
  1. 硏究模型의 設計및 硏f究假設의 設定
  2. 調査의 設計
 IV. 分析및 解釋
  1. 調査對象者의 人口統統計的 特性
  2. 測定道具의 妥當性과 新賴性
  3. 假設檢證
  4. 結果의 解釋
 V. 結論


  • 이명국 Myung Kook Lee. 안동전문대학 유통경영과 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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