

協調的 勞使關係를 통한 動勞生活의 質(QWL) 向上에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Improving Quality of Working Life Through Cooperative Industrial Relations

협조적 노사관계를 통한 근노생활의 질(QWL) 향상에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to search cooperative system of labor-management relations in corporation level and Quality of Working Life(QWL) as an objective of labor-management cooperation. Therefore the main subject of this paper is to analyze the relationship between QWL and cooperative Industrial Relations. Cooperative Industrial Relation means not only joint consultation committee (works council) but cooperative aspects of all labor-management relations presupposed antagonistic labor-management relation. QWL in the concept which is created for eliminating alienation and coping with enlarged right consciousness of labor. QWL is the process improving job design and general labor environment through participation in management decision making. Then, labors perceive identification with corporation, and are worth work living. And productivity may be improved as natural by product. To summarize the result of this study is follows. (1) QWL is useful activity which eliminate alienation and cope with enlarged right consciousness of labor. (2) Because QWL levels related to job, age, tenure are different, they are taken care in improving QWL. For instance, the young and skill job labors should be taken special care. (3) For the purpose of improving QWL through labor-management cooperation, firstly, it is needed to make efforts for eliminating negative force against labor-management cooperation. In this case, the support of top management and union leaders is needed. Secondly, it is needed to make efforts for providing opportunity for participation in decision making. This participation is a direct means of improving QWL. By the way, rather than permit participation in decision making given priority to productivity issues, management should permit participation in QWL issue equally in order to improve QWL effectively. (4) It requires long time to improve QWL through labor-management cooperation. Hasty expectation of result should be refrained.


I. 序論
 II. QWL에 관한 理論的 背景
  1. QWL活動의 意義와 生成背景
  2. QWL의 實行方向과 變數
  3. QWL  向上을 위한 勞使協調
  4. QWL活動 實行節次
 III. 硏究假設과 調査設計
  1. 硏究假設의 設定
  2. 調査設計
 IV. 實證分析 結果
  1. 人的要素別 差異에 관한 檢證
  2. 勞使協調와 經營參加에 관한 檢證
 V. 結論


  • 尹大赫 윤대혁. 釜慶大學校 講師


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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