

資料源과 發表源으로서의 稅務會計 관련 저널에 대한 槪觀


A Review of Tax Accounting-related Journals as a Survey of Data Sources and Publication Outlets

자료원과 발표원으로서의 세무회계 관련 저널에 대한 개관

鄭文鉉, 盧賢燮

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, the number of accounting journals has grown and many special-interest subgoups has arisen. Now there are several predominantly tax accounting data sources and publication sources. Evaluating the familiarity and quality of accounting research journal has long been a topic of interest. Developing a reputation as a scholar is aided by placing ones research in highly regarded journals. And university often use journal quality as one indicator of the quality of the research record of a candidate for a faculty appointment, promotion, or tenure. This study provides a comprehensive review of tax accounting-related journal as a survey of data sources and publication sources. Acounting researchs with tax accounting specialization have more avenues to attempt to publish their research than do their financial, auditing, or managerial colleagues.


I. 서론
 II. 기존 연구의 결과
 III. 저널의 개관 방법
  1. 저널명
  2. 발행기관과 간행주기
  3. 소장기관
 IV. 회계관련 일반저널의 개관
  1. 회계관련 일반저널
  2. 부차적인 회계 관련 저널 : 경영학 저널
 V. 분야별 회계 저널
  1. 세무회계 관련 저널
  2. 관리회계, 회계감사, 회계정보시스템 관련 저널
 Vl. 요약 및 결론


  • 鄭文鉉 정문현. 부산대학교 회계학과 교수
  • 盧賢燮 노현섭. 경남전문대학 세무회계정보과 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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