

금리자유화실시에 따른 은행의 대응방안


Alternatives of Banking Industry Concerning the Liberalization of Interest Rates

조정원, 안성연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to consider the alternatives of banking industry concerning the liberalization of interest rates and to understanding a change of banking industry`s phase after the liberalization of interest rates in Korea. To attain the aim of this study, examined the process of liberalization of interest rate other countries where the liberalization have been already practiced and the corresponding strategy of bank on it. The major alternatives be taken in this paper are as followings; (1) The subjects of th bussiness liveralization shall be the financiers themselves who shall come out of the goverment protection to actively ane subjectively meet the liberalization. In order to be the subject of the liberalization, i.e., the right of personnel management, avoidance of excessive reliance upon the policy. (2) Bank should pursue a policy of large scale structure through increasing capital and mergerof other banks to scope with foregin financial organ which have advanced capital and sophisticated administrative know-hows. (3) Facing the abolition of the business sphere among financial institutions, bank industry have to be diversified to include the sales of securities. (4) The banking industry of our country has to take part in the internationalization, opening, liberalization and globalization of the world banking trend. In the era of the participating i the globakization, the business has to develop its individuality in order to take the leading role. (5) In order to cope with the rapidly changing banking and monetary environments, domestic banks should do away with old-fashioned sales technique, but should employ systematic marketing strategy based on the modern marketing concept. (6) Bad loans which weaken the competitive and deteriorate the efficiency of banking industry must be reduced. (7) There is a precondition of utilizing the advanced financial method, it is informationakized banking system and maintaining the specialist. We should recognize that the level of informationalizing is the main point to decide the power of competition in international competitive society and prepare the method of informationalization of international financial market and computerization. (8) By making use of advanced funds management technique such as asset-liability management(ALM), funds management risk may be avoid. Also deposit insurance system must be estabished.


I. 서론
  1. 연구의 목적
  2. 연구의 방법 및 구성
 II. 이론적 고찰
  1. 금리자유화의 필요성
  2. 금리자유화가 은행경영에 미치는 영향
  3. 미국의 금리자유화 과정과 동향
  4. 일본의 금리자유화 과정과 동향
  5. 금리자유화에 따른 미국과 일본의 대응방안
 III. 우리 나라의 금리자유화 추진. 현황 및 은행의 대응방안
  1. 우리 나라 금리자유화의 현황과 특징
  2. 금리자유화의 전제조건
  3. 우리 나라 은행의 대응방안
 IV. 결론


  • 조정원 Jung Weon Cho. 동아대학교 경영대학 경영학과 강사
  • 안성연 Sung Youn An. 그랜드 하앗트 서울 이사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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