

秘書의 커뮤니케이션과 組織沒入의 關係에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Relationship between the Communication of Secretaries and Organizational Commitment

비서의 커뮤니케이션과 조직몰입의 관계에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analysis how the communication of secretaries relates with the organizational commitment. The organizational commitment has a significant effect on the individual behavior of organization and is a critical variable that is closely related with the organizational effectiveness. The followings are the concrete tasks based on this study. (1) To grasp the situational status of secretaries in Korean enterprises. (2) To investigate the differences of the communication methods and the level of satisfaction according to the demographics and types of secretaries in Korean enterprises. (3) To investigate the differences of organizational commitment level to the demographics and types of secretaries in Korean enterprises. (4) To investigate the differences of organizational commitment to communication methods and the satisfaction level of secretaries in the Korean enterprises. To solve the above tasks, this study was made by the following procedures. First, proceeding reference studies on the theories of the communication and the organizational commitment are investigated. Second, the empirical study model concerning the communication and organizational commitment of secretaries in Korean enterprises is designed based on the theoretical literature. Third, the following research hypotheses have been developed from the empirial study model. Hypothesis Ⅰ --- There is a significant difference according to the communication methods and the satisfaction degrees concern to the demographics and types of secretaries. Hypothesis Ⅱ --- There is a significant difference on the level of organizational commitment concerned to the demographics and types of secretaries. Hypothesis Ⅲ --- There is a significant difference of the level of organizational commitment concerned to the communication methods and the satisfaction degree of secretaries. Fourth, the above hypotheses have been tested by analizing questionnaires and the results are described. The data were collected by questionnaire research with secretaries who belong to the professional secretary organization in the region of Pusan and Seoul, for three months from 1995.6.1∼8.31. The SAS statistical package software was used for all statistical analysis and tests. The principal findings of the research and its significance are summarized as follows: (1) Strong support was found that there is a significant difference according to the degree of formal, verbal, and two way communication by the age, the degree of formal and two way communication by the type of gender, the degree of formal, informal, abnormal verbalism, one way and two way communication for the demographic characteristics. (2) Abnormal verbalism only has a statistical significance in the result of analysis according to the difference of mean rating of various communication for types of secretaries. (3) It was found that there is a significant mean difference in the vertical and horizontal communication, interpersonal feedback, atmosphere of communication and the degree of satisfaction for whole organization information by the age and the length of job tenure, in the degree of satisfaction for the quality of media by an academic career.


I. 序論
  1. 硏究의 目的
  2. 硏究의 方法및 範圍
 II. 硏究의 理論的 背景
  1. 經營組織과 秘書
  2. 秘書의 커뮤니케이션
  3. 組織沒入
  4. 커뮤니케이션과 組織沒入의 關係
 III. 實證硏究의 設計
  1. 實證硏究模型의 設計
  2. 假設의 設定
  3. 資料蒐集과 分析技法
 IV. 假設의 檢證및 解釋
  1. 秘書의 現狀的 分析
  2. 人口統計的 特性과 秘書模型에 따른 커뮤니케이션 形態및 滿足의 差異分析
  3. 人口統計的 特性과 秘書模型에 따른 組織沒入 差異分析
  4. 커뮤니케이션 形態및 滿足에 따른 組織沒入의 差異分析
 V. 結論


  • 鄭順子 정순자. 東州女子專門大學 秘書科 副敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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