

組織內 權力作用에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Phenomenon to Organizational Power

조직내 권력작용에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study is to examine how organizational power in group and interacts with each other. I have examined a considerable volume of theoretical with the behavioral theory of the firm relating to the mechanism of the decision making which had been conceived by R.M. Cyert and J.G. March, leading applied social scientists. Their theory failed to take account of the phenomenon to organizational influence or power appropriately. I have observed how and why organizational power in the decision making interacts with each other, and how does it ensures the uniformity and rationality in organizations. As far as concerned with the outcome of this research, it is my understanding that we should not ignore of the power effect in organizational decision making. The organizational research is not often willing to accept the product of political process in most part of the organizational decision making which have looked upon as a very rational decision. Comperhending, however, on the ground of more accurate viewpoint in making decision as the firm exisits is critically needed tasks in pursuit of rationality in decision making and in making a progress of organizational power research. In fact, the existence of political process, namely, the disagreement of opinion and conflict offer opportunity to contrive more productive and good quality alternatives. Consequently, the theory of organizational behavior should accept the operation of power closely based on facing problems, with this we have to make an effort to improve the theory in the future.


I. 序論
  1. 同題의 提起
  2. 硏究의 目的
 II. 權力의 槪念的 考察
  1. 權力의 定義
  2. 類似槪念과의 區分
 III. 組織理論에서의 權力觀
  1. 合法的 權限體系로서의 組織觀
  2. 非合理的 權力體系로서의 組織觀
  3. 樞力의 源果과 基盤
 IV. 權力의 影響過程에 관한 理論
  1. 權力作用의 方法
  2. 權力게임의 理論
  3. 聊合體의 形成과 協商戰略
 V. 權力의 行使와 그 結果
  1. 權力分配의 均衝化 傾向
  2. 組熾內 權力의 制度化 現象
  3. 權力行使의 反應과 結果
 VI. 結論


  • 尹大赫 윤대혁. 晋州看護保健專門大學 助敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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