

실증연구에서 응답상황에 따른 조사결과의 일반화오류 위험


Errors of Generalizing the Results of Research Dependi Primary Data-Collection Methods


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Researchers collect field data for the purpose to describe precisely the actual facts. If the field data did not describe precisely the fact, it would cause errors in the generalization and application of research outcome. Therefore, it is very important for researcher to select research mothods to describe precisely the facts. This paper aims at indicating the risk of errors in generalizing and applying the results of research dependending upon primary data collection methods-natural setting and contrived setting. The one is applicable to mail survey among communication methods while the other is applicable to the one-group pretest and posttest design among quasi-experimental designs. By comparing two studies Howing the relationships between ad-involvement motives and ad responses as their subject, this paper investigated whether there are differences or not according to settings at an answer. The findings are that there are substantial differences between natural settings and contrived setting. Furthermore, they indicate that researcher should take errors-possibility into consideration for generalizing or applying the results of research.


I. 서론
  1. 문제제기 및 연구목적
  2. 연구방법
  3. 응답상황 정의
 II. 응답상황별 조사방법 및 분석방법의 비교
  1. 조사방법의 비교
  2. 분석방법의 비교
 III. 응답상황별 조사결과의 비교
  1. 광고관여동기별 메시지요소 주의도
  2. 광고관여동기별 브랜드태도 강도
  3. 광고관여동기별 정보확산의도 강도
 IV. 조사결과의 일반화 오류 위험
  1. 응답상황별 조사결과 차이의 원인
  2. 조사결과의 일반화오류 위험
 V. 결론


  • 정형명 Jeong, Hyeong-myeong. 동래여자전문대학 마케팅과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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