

經營理念의 變遷과 人事管理 類型에 관한 硏究


On the Relationship between Developments of Man Thought and Personnel Management Style

경영이념의 변천과 인사관리 유형에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since Korean firms are faced with new challenges and rapidly changing business environments, it is inevitable for them to establish a new overall management and personnel management system to maintain survival and growth by ensuring worldwide competitive position. The new system should have characteristics of being interrelated, self-controlled, adaptive to contingency, and creative, while conventional system is rigid, mechanical, hierarchical, and authoritarian. The characteristics of the new system are based on the premise that objectives and problems solving oriented way of thinking and high attitude toward self-actualization and work are integral parts to motivate employees so that enhance firms` performances. This paper suggests, from a process-oriented point of views, a system based on the idea of the golden mean and contingency, which corresponds to a general management thoughts. The golden mean based overall management and creative personnel management systems are horizontal and anthropocentric and they seek optimality. The suggested new management system is desirable and efficient due to the presumption that human beings are complex mixtures which possess diverse needs, unlimited possibility, self-control, and decision making ability rather than selfish economic and mechanical. The view of complex mixture is the basis of management by virture, participation, the golden mean, and adaptability to contingency and so is the creative and innovative personnel management system. Meanwhile, management by control, regulation, and severity is rooted on selfish economic and mechanical man. The new system will contribute to the management of Korean firms in several ways : (1) satisfying high level needs of employees who seek a work place to achieve desirable life and self-actualization, (2) coordinating interests of deverse groups and that make sure the basis of survival and growth by enhanced trusts from society, and (3) moreover, improving international competitiveness toward the best company in the world.


I. 序論
  1. 問題의 提起
  2. 硏究目的과 方法
 II. 經營理念의 變遷과經營管理시스탬
  1. 人間의 欲求와 人間의 類型
  2. 人間觀과 經營管理시스댐
 III. 東洋的 經營管理思想
  1. 法에 의한 管理 (法治)
  2. 禮에 의한 管理(禮治)
  3. 德에 의한 管理(德治)
  4. 中庸에 의한 管理 (中庸)
 IV. 經營管理시스템과 人事管理 類型
  1. 獨善的 人事管理
  2. 溫情的 人事管理
  3. 科學的 人事管理
  4. 人間關係論的 人事管理
  5. 行動科學的 人事管理
  6. 創造的 人事管理
 V. 東西洋 經營管理思想과 人事管理의 統合的모델
  1. 統制管理, 法治와 科學的 人事管理
  2. 人間關係論的 管理, 禮治와 溫情的 人事管理
  3. 參與管理, 德治와 行動科學的 人事管理
  4. 狀況遭應管理, 中庸과 創造的 人事管理
 VI. 結論


  • 조병태 Byung Tae Cho. 동아대학교 경영대학 경영학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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