

韓國企業의 CT 對應戰略


A Study on the Contertrade in Korean Enterprises

한국기업의 CT 대응전략


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Countertrade (CT) system has been gradually gerneralized in world trade transaction as a new trade trend. Until the early years of 1970 CT was recognized as a form used in simple barter and settlement of transaction chiefly in trade between east and west, however, recently CT transaction with eastern Europe as well as CT between advanced country and developing country, devesoping country and developing country and advanced country and advanced country, is actively realized and the form of trade is also developed to complicated technology transfer and joint venture investment deviating from simple barter trade system and subject items are gradually deversified to consuming materials from istallation equipment and capital equipment. At present the share of CT in world trade volume is 20-30 percent and is expected to increase more and eventually reached to 50 percent in world trade. In the case of eastern and southern Asian countries and the Communist block countries, they make it priority order in trade policy with the motto of `IMPORT AS MICH AS EXPORTED` due to the reason of foreign currency deficiency and even advanced countries are participating in order to protect their domestic industry, however, there is difficulty in business negotiation since the desired items of goods between the parties concerned mist coincide and success rate is very low about 5 percent and there are contracts longterm bases for 10 to 20 years. In Europe and middle and southern American countries including America and Japan CT specialized firms have been established from early days. In case of American enterprises more than 60 percent of them is promoting through such specialized firm or bank and 40 percent of disposal of counter purchased goods is entrusted to specialized firms. But the enterprises and banks of Korea are still lack of propelling power, Especially, the interest of enterprises on CT should be emphasized in accordance with the expansion of trade with Communist block countries which depends on more than 50 percent of total trade volume. Accordingly, the enterprises in our country should set up more active and effective trade management strategy in order to the expansion of export market and sound secure of main raw materials. The need of CT propulsion in the enterprises of our country may be summarized as stipulated hereunder. First, export driving country like our country will face to trade friction and CT transaction is necessary to solve such preliminary prevention of trade friction or trade unbalance, etc. Secondly, it es necessary to cope with CT proposal effectively exploiting new market in the region of southern Ameica, Africa, east southern Asia and Communist block as well as exploring mililateral export markt leaned upon American and Japan. Thirdly, as CT proposing countries mostly have natural resources, we may be able to establish commercial ties with them through CT and participate in their natural resources development project and secure stable supply of raw materials. Fourthly, construction of long term business foundation can be secured. Most of the CT proposing countreis are at present deteriorated economic situation or economic system has been controlled toward planned economy, however, in respect to longer term, CT is not a mere sales promotion, but is strengthening of redit matter, thus we can find new buyers in the time of economical restoration. Fifthly, trade expansion with particular area is necessary. The trade with Communist block should construct the base to maintain direct rade continuing indirect trade transaction. CT is necessary to apply actively for better relatonship with enormous market of Soviet Union and China. Sixthly, in accordance with the trend of the times when increasing shares of world trade by CT and demands of reciprocal spirit and bilateral principle, positive counter acting cultivation toward the environmental change in world trade by CT. Seventhly, CT not only increase domestic


I. 序論
 II. 連覆寶錫의 經濟的 效果
  1. 연계무역의 肯定的 效果
  2. 연계무역의 否定的 效果
 III. CT의 團際的 實態
  1. 開發途途上國의 CT實態
  2. 先進國의 Countertrade 實態
  3. 東歐團, 蘇聯, 中共 等 共産社會主義國家의 Countertrade 實態
 IV. 韓國의 CT 管理制度와 實態
  1. 韓國의 CT 管理制度
  2. 韓國企業의 CT實態
 V. 韓國企業의 CT事例 分析
  1. A企業 事例分析
  2. B企業 事例分析
  3. C企業 事例分析
 VI. 韓國企業의 CT上의 間題點과 對應策
  1. 韓國企業의 CT上의 間題點
  2. 韓國企業의 CT對應策
 VII. 結論


  • 黃正奉 황정봉. 濟州大學校 經商大學 副敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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