

産業災害管理要因이 災害率에 미치는 影響分析


The Effect of Industrial Accident Management on Industrial Accident

산업재해관리요인이 재해율에 미치는 영향분석


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to discuss other researchers` observation that an industrial accident factor would effect a reduction in accident and was to identify element of a machine company`s industrial accident management associated with a safety performance. This study differed from all previous studies in its attempt to assess industrial accident management as a moderating variables effect on the relationship between safety performance variables and accident variables, and to assess employee perceptions of commitment in addition to the safety management. A questionnaire an job-environmental factors, human-behavioral factors, accident managemental factors, demographic factors and safety performance was distributed to safety management and employee in 32 machine production companies in Pusan and Chang-won and was assessed. The questionaire was administrated using by SPSS/PC^+. descritive statistical analysis, multi-regression analysis, ANOVA, factor analysis and T-test. The result are as followings : The first, a correlation between an accident factor and an industrial accident management, a correlation between an industrial accident management and a safety performance was significant. This finding implies an industrial accident managent variable which plays a moderating variable role in the relationship between a safety performance and an accident factor. A model was constructed based on the above result, variables in model showed a linear relationship. The results show that accident factors were differently associated with safety performance in each industrial accident management. Second the multiregression analysis was used to identify the relative importance of accident factors and safety performance. The relative importance measured by BETA coefficient of each accident factors is found that difference among the industrial accident management variables. That is, a safety training is associate with environmental factor, psychological factor, physical-physiological factors. An employment and placement is associated with environmental, chemicalm psychological factors. A motivation is associated with physical-mechanical, physical-physiological, psychological factors. A safety inspection is associated with chemical, physical-mechanical, psychological factors. An accident investigation and analysis is associate with physiclogical, psychological factors. Third, The BETA coefficients of a demographic variable was estimated to investigate a relationship between an industrical accident management and a safety performance with a moderating variable role of demographic variable, The results show that the industrial accident management was differently associate with the safety performance in the demographic variable. That is, the safety training, the employment and placement, the safety inspection, the accident investigation and analysis are different in accordance with the age. The safety training, the motivation, the employment and placement, the accident investigation and analysis, the safety inspection are diffent according to the married status, job tenure, and education.


I. 序輪
  1. 硏究의 目的
  2. 硏究方法 및 範圍
 II. 産業災害管理要因에 관한 硏究背景
  1. 産業災害의 槪念
  2. 産業災害의 發生原因에 관한 諸 硏究
  3. 産業災害의 誘發要因
 III. 實證的 分析
  1. 分析模型과 假設 設定
  2. 調査對象과 方法및 設問紙 構成
  3. 調査資料의 分析및 解釋
 IV. 結論


  • 金又秀 김우수. 통영수산전문대학 수산경영과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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