

JIT 시스템의 限界와 統合化


Limits and Integration of JIT System

JIT 시스템의 한계와 통합화


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



JIT system has been introduced from 1970`s through 1980`s in foreign companies. There was more emphasis on JIT strengths than JIT weaknesses during those periods. But at the end of 1980`s through the beginning of 1990`s, many foreign companies also hold a JIT merits in common. After that, those companies are interested in the merits of western production techniques (espically CIM, MRPⅡ and OPT). And then, they discussed JIT system weaknesses. Here this article classifies two types of limits(problems) about JIT weaknesses. The one is managerial problems caused in the introduction of JIT system. The other is technical problems that it doesn`t own the merits of western production techniques. According to Ptak, the future success of manufacturing can not depend on only one of these concepts(MRP, MRPⅡ, JIT, OPT or CIM) ; a company must draw from the entire gamut to extract what makes sence for that particular company.


I. JIT 시스템의 限界
  1. 관리적 문제
  2. 기술적 문제
 II. JIT 시스템의 통합화
  1. JIT와 CIM의 통합화
  2. JIT와 MRPII 의 통합화
  3. JIT와 OPT의 통합화
  4. hybrid PMS(production management system)
 III. 맺음말


  • 沈靖澤 심정택. 창원대학교 사회과학대학 경영학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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