

DRP 시스템이 롯트량 결정 분석에 관한 연구


A Study on the Lot Sizing Analysis in Distribution Requirements Planning System


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Most research on lot sizing has been for the case of a manufacturing system. In this paper, analogous issues are studied for a distribution network. Specifically, we consider the choice of shipment quantities within distribution requirements planning(DRP). A simulation model of DRP in a multi-echelon, rolling-schedule environment is used to examine, in the condition of a certain demand, the performance of five lot-sizing rules. We conducted a full-factorial experiment in which additional parameters were varied : distribution network structure, demand distribution, a level of inventroy and service, as suggested by the consulting study which motivated our research. We found that for DRP, contrary to the "shop floor" wisdom on MRP, the choice of lot-sizing method can be important. In the comparative evaluation between the lot-sizing methods with different demand patterns, the LFL and FPR techniques are more favorable for low inventory level and high service level as the demand is more intermittent and nonniform, and the EOQ and LTC are more unfavorable in the distribution network.


I. 서론
 II. DRP시스템의 롯트량 결정
  1. 롯트량 결정의 개념
  2. 롯트량 곁정기법의 선행연구
 III. DRP시스템의 롯트량 결정기법에 대한 분석
  1. 분석방법
  2. 표본문제의 선정
  3. 표본문제에서 비교평가
  4. 표본에서의 모의실험 및 결과분석
  5. 롯트량 결정기법의 문제점
 IV. 결론


  • 장융남 Yoong Nam Chang. 경원대학교 공과대학 산업공학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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